• 7 Awesome Lizard Gecko Facts That You May Not Have Known About


    Leopard geckos make for a unique and fascinating pet, especially if you are looking for a pet that doesn't shed fur. Here are some interesting facts about these creatures:

    Fact #1

    Leopard geckos have a distinctive way of communicating their agitation. Although they can't speak, they bark as a warning sign when they have had enough.

    Fact #2

    Unlike other geckos, leopard geckos have eyelids and can blink and close their eyes while they sleep.

    Fact #3

    The leopard gecko has a natural defense mechanism where their tail comes off if captured by a predator, giving them a chance to escape. The tail eventually grows back, but not to its original length.

    Fact #4

    Leopard geckos are nocturnal animals and sleep during the day. They become most active during the night when they hunt for food.

    Fact #5

    Leopard geckos have a diverse diet that includes crickets, scorpions, and other lizards. Feeding them crickets coated with calcium powder helps them stay healthy and grow.

    Fact #6

    Leopard geckos do not have sticky pads to cling to surfaces; instead, they have tiny claws resembling hands.

    Fact #7

    Determining the sex of leopard geckos is easier than that of humans. It depends on the temperature during incubation. Incubating eggs at or near 80°F increases the chance of producing female geckos, while 90°F incubation temperature results in mostly male geckos.